Dev Update: World Building, Quests, Puzzles, New Weapons and Clothes

February 22, 2019 willsterling23 0 Comments

Howdy folks!

Just wanted to go over real quick what we've been working on over here at Lavaboots Studio for the past few weeks. Our main focus has been on world building in general. This involves a lot of things but mainly adding content in the world such as places to discover, and also adding enemies and other characters.

World Building

First and foremost we want our games to be about exploration and adventure. This means during the world building process we are putting a lot of time into making fun and unique places to discover. We're adding in churches, houses of different sizes, bandit camps, caves, towns, and a lot of other unique points of interests. We want you to be rewarded for exploration and constantly find new and exciting content. Our focus right now is finishing adding content to the desert zone, and then we'll be moving on to the plains and forest zone. While each zone has been mostly finished in terms of the environmental details, right now we're adding all of buildings, NPCs, and things of that nature. 

Quests and Puzzles

Another big focus of ours recently has been adding in fun quests and challenging puzzles. A lot of places you discover might have some kind of quest associated with it, or a puzzle of some sort that you have to complete. In addition to that we are also scattering secrets all over the place, so be on the lookout and never assume you've found all there is.

New Weapons and Clothes

Also part of the world building process is adding in new items! As I've said before we want you to be rewarded for exploring and defeating tough enemies, and so we are creating new items for you to earn. This last couple weeks we added a couple new weapon types, including a rifle. We also have been adding in new clothing variations for our NPC's and for you to wear as well. 

Over the next few months we'll have our heads buried in the sand (pun intended) trying to finish world building and getting the game as polished as we can for an early access release. We'll be announcing more information soon on an expected release date. 

Thanks for reading and as always we would love your feedback!