This Week at Lavaboots: World Buidling, XP, and Loot!

September 21, 2018 willsterling23 0 Comments

Howdy everyone!

We wanted to go over some of the things we've been working on this week for our upcoming game, Wild West and Wizards! As you know we officially announced the title about a week ago and we want to update our development blog pretty consistently so you can follow what's going on with the game.

This week we've been working on a variety of mechanics, systems, and other things to get the core gameplay loop down. Our goal right now is mainly implementing and testing a lot of the mechanics required to simply play the game. This includes things like dialogue, quest systems, xp, looting mechanics, combat, etc.. Here's a look at what we've been working on this week!

World Building - The Plains Zone 

In addition to the desert zone in the world, we are also adding a plains area. This will be mostly grassland and give off a much different vibe than the desert. The desert will be very rocky and dense with content, whereas the plains will be more like open fields with the points of interest spread out a bit more. Both areas are pretty large and there will be a lot to discover as well secrets scattered throughout! 

XP and Talents

One goal with Wild West and Wizards is for it to really have an RPG and fantasy-like feel in a western setting. A couple elements we are adding to help with this feeling are experience and a talent system. You will be able to level up by getting experience and earn certain unique talents. While the exact design of this is still being worked out, we did implement a lot of mechanics needed for this to work this week. 

Enemies and Loot

This week we also worked on setting up some basic enemies and making them drop loot. We've been doing a good bit of work with systems and mechanics to get the looting working correctly with your inventory, the save system, and things of that nature. We actually spent a good bit of time early on in development working on our combat and enemy system, but we've still got a little bit of work left to put the final polish on it. Our main goal within that context this week was getting the looting mechanics working. 

That's the core of what we've been working on this week in addition to fixing bugs and polishing up things here and there. We've also added in some new building models and other content like that. Thanks for reading and stay on the lookout for more updates in the future! 


A First Look At Wild West and Wizards!

September 13, 2018 willsterling23 2 Comments

Hey everyone!

We are excited to finally announce our upcoming project, Wild West and Wizards! We started working on the game early this year and have really tried to get some of the foundation work done before announcing it. We still have a lot of work and content to add and don’t have a release time yet. However, we wanted to include the community on the development of the game so you can see what’s going on behind the scenes and give us your feedback!

We firmly believe games are made better by getting feedback from the community and so we want to do that every step of the way.

If you'd like to see some exploration gameplay, you can check that out here!

What is Wild West and Wizards? 

Well, put simply it’s an open world western rpg that lets you use spells in addition to being a gunslinger. We’ve always liked the idea of taking traditional fantasy rpg elements and putting them in non-traditional settings. We’ve already done a lot of work so far getting the combat system set up to handle and guns and spells and I’ve gotta say, it feels pretty good! We can’t wait to show you more of the combat as we get it a bit more polished. In addition to the magic element, the game will heavily focus around exploring the world, gathering quests, fighting enemies, getting loot, and leveling up your character. We are building this world by hand so we can create an exciting and dangerous open world to explore!

What are we currently working on? 

Over the past few months we’ve been working hard to get a lot of the core content in the game. We’ve got the basics of a lot of systems in including combat, settlements, dialogue systems, npc pathfinding, world building, day/night cycle, and a lot of behind the scenes systems. Right now we are heavily in the process of building the world and placing things for the player to discover throughout the wild west. We are also working on tailoring the player experience and adding in mechanics needed to explore the desert.

What features are planned? 

We’ve got a lot of features planned for the game but we want to be conservative and limit our scope. Our main focus is to get the core elements in and fully polished. Some features we still need to implement include a traveling system, quest system, fully polishing combat, talents and leveling, and other things. The best place to keep track of what we’re working on week by week is here on our development blog.

We are really excited for this project and hope you are too!

If you are interested in knowing more, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here or follow on our social media pages to get consistent updates and leave us feedback on the game. Thanks for reading!